Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Five fake political types on Twitter we wish were real

17 hrs.

As we saw during the presidential campaign when Mitt Romney's official Twitter account gained more than?100,000 followers in the span of a few days, the accusation?of fake followers can cast a shadow on a politician's social media street cred, if not his career. But a satirical?Twitter account portraying a fake version of a real politician, however?vexing to the impersonated person, can be a whole lot of fun to everyone else. ?

Take, for example, the popular?@MexicanMitt ("I am the Juan percent"), a?parody Twitter account that "poked fun at Romney?s on-again, off-again relationship with Mexican ancestry."?

Though later reinstated, @MexicanMitt was?briefly bounced from the micro-blogging platform last August,?the same night Romney delivered his speech at the Republican National Convention, and Twitter launched?#RomneyRyan2012, the first national trending topic purchased by a?political?campaign. Coincidence? Though it kicked up a bit of a scandal,?Twitter wouldn't comment to NBC News or other news outlets at the time.?

Meanwhile, real?Vice?President Joe Biden took to his verified?Twitter account, when those pranksters at?the Onion recently?hosted an?"Ask Me Anything" meet-up on Reddit?with a parody version of America's vice president. The?fake?"Diamond" Joe Biden?offered answers on "my Trans Am, things you can make into a pipe, Barack, or where we can hook up later" among other things.?The real veep?one-upped the faker,?tweeting:?

Q for @reddit AMA with my @TheOnion pal: A Trans-Am? Ever look under the hood of a Corvette? #imavetteguy ?VP

If?only?all?politicians?were?this fun!?But?since?most aren't, here's?five?fake?Twitter?political?accounts?we wish?were?totally?real:


OK, I know we just said that real Vice President Joe?Biden has proved himself awesome on Twitter ... but dude, unverified?@VeepJoeBiden has the impression?down cold!

Dr. Jill Biden @JillBidenVeep

Just because you've received your doctorate of education doesn't mean you're off the Twitter satire hook ... not if you're married to the vice president, who plays the perfect foil to your false persona.

Paul Ryan Gosling @PaulRyanGosling

Two great memes that taste great together! This?satirical?Twitter account ?mashes the "Hey Girl" Tumblr fun dedicated to?actor Ryan Gosling with the?oft-riffed-upon?P90 X bravado of former?vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan to create comedy gold. ?(We deleted an expletive after the?ellipses?from that final tweet, the one about John Edwards. Use your imagination ... if you're at least 18!)

Sr. WH Official @SrWHOfficial

Fun with?anonymity! ?This so-called senior White House official bravely tweets even the worst puns from inside an imaginary White House, if he or she thinks it'll get you'll buy his or her book. ?(Mostly though, the tweets are pretty good.)


For those living in the path of Sandy last October, one of the few amusing moments came when New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared on TV to provide updates on the super?storm, repeating?his message in memorably mangled Spanish.??

The Twitter satire account was inevitable, yet months after Sandy, it's still quite active ... and hilarious. Here, El Bloombito comments on the Beyonce?lip-sync?controversy, ("Are are these that synchi?go lip? Forgive me, I need to my ear that removero footboard"), and adds his thoughts?on the Roe v. Wade anniversary ... offensively, of course. This is satire, after all.?

Helen A.S. Popkin?goes?blah?blah?blah?about?the?Internet.?Tell?her?to?get?a?real?job?on?Twitter?and/or?Facebook. Also,?Google+.


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