Friday, August 10, 2012

Wanting More Energy? Learn a Secret Most Doctors Don't Know About

If you?re searching for a way to get more energy, you?re not alone. Lots of people today are looking for energy boosts. Some just want more energy in order to do more in their lives. Others feel chronically fatigued. Whatever the reason, the desire for more energy seems to be a natural result of the kind of hectic lifestyles so many of us have developed in the world today.

In your search, you?ve probably encountered the traditional recommendations for boosting your energy: get more sleep, eat a better diet, and get more exercise. There?s a lot of wisdom in these recommendations.

But they take a lot of effort and time and often aren?t all that easy to accomplish.

More Sleep

Ah yes, more sleep. So many of us yearn for this luxury?and so few seem to have the time for it, or the ability to accomplish it. Getting more sleep isn?t as simple as it sounds. And taking pills to fall asleep isn?t the answer, as many of us who?ve tried it can attest to.

Better Diet

For all kinds of health reasons, your diet is important. We know that it?s good to eat high fiber foods, fruits, vegetables, and grains?and to avoid white bread, potatoes, pasta and high sugar foods. It also helps to eat a number of small meals a day to keep our blood-sugar level even?and thus avoid energy spikes and collapses.

This is all good. If you?ve tried this, you?ve probably experienced that your body does start feeling better?lighter and healthier. But with busy lives, it?s very hard to maintain. And has it really boosted your energy enough? I know a lot of people who?re very conscious and consistent about eating a healthy diet-and they?re still dragging their bodies through the day.

More Exercise

If you?re someone who is chronically tired, you probably emit a groan when you hear this one. I would exercise more if I only had more energy to do it!

And even if you?re someone who?d simply like an energy boost in order to do more in a day, you probably wonder where you?re going to fit in more exercise than you?re already getting.

Other Typical Suggestions for Energy Boosts

Medical: Getting a thyroid test or upping your iron intake is good, if you are in fact low in thyroid or iron. But, surprisingly, not everyone with chronic low energy is low in either of these. And, if they are, they don?t feel that much better when they do take thyroid or up their iron intake.

Alternative Health: Taking nutritional supplements, practicing deep breathing, yoga, massage, or aroma therapy, positive thinking, laughing more, or trying new things in your life are all great advice. You may have discovered they can help.

However, if you?re like a lot of people, all these changes in lifestyle can only take you so far. And this is because there is something that is pervasive in your environment that is consistently wearing on both your nervous system and your immune system and which therefore continually robs you of precious energy.

EMF Exposure

You know that cell phone you carry around everywhere? And that computer you?re sitting at maybe hours each day? Or that iPad or eReader? Did it ever occur to you that maybe these wonderful devices that make your life so much easier in one way may be making it harder in another?

It?s surprising how few doctors and other health practitioners are aware of how the exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can rob people of energy. And, in many cases, actually make people sick.

It?s true: exposure to EMFs causes a stress on our bodies that few people realize. Scientific research has discovered over and over again that EMFs cause stress hormones to develop in our bodies, signaling to our cells that ?enemy forces? are entering the body.

Cell & DNA Damage

These hormones, in turn, cause a hardening of the outer membranes of our cells, preventing not only the EMFs from entering, but also very important and necessary nutrients. The tougher membranes also prevent toxins from exiting the cells. All this impacts the functioning of these cells?and often causes their death.

Meanwhile, the cells that aren?t fast enough to close out the ?enemy?, end up absorbing the EMFs, which then wreak havoc inside, breaking DNA strands and creating abnormal DNA functioning.

How could all this not impact our energy levels? Our poor bodies are so busy fighting the EMFs and trying to repair the constant damage on the cellular and DNA levels, that our bodies? reserves eventually give out.

People with compromised immune systems experience fatigue from EMF exposure faster than those who are healthy. But sooner or later, everyone who is exposed to constant EMFs?if they?re observant and really honest with themselves?will find that their body is noticeably less energetic than it once was.

Use EMF Protection for More Energy

Fortunately, there?s a relatively easy fix for this cause of energy loss: EMF Protection. Without having to change your lifestyle or struggle to change your eating, sleeping and exercise habits, you can use an EMF protection device as an easy and effective way to boost your energy.

There are lots of products on the market today for EMF protection, so you probably need to take the time to research the different companies and their products. Look for companies that have been in business for a while and have believable research backing up their technology. Make sure they offer a good money-back guarantee that affords you enough time to try out their products.

Do everything you can to help create more energy?there?s no feeling like feeling energetic, awake and clear-headed. But, if the usual suggestions aren?t working well enough for you, look past them to a powerful and easy way to get more energy: EMF protection.

Chara Brooks, psychotherapist and writer, has done extensive research on the effects of environmental influences on both physical and mental health. Having Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, she has especially focused on the effects of electro-pollution that she and many other people suffer from in today?s world. She has researched EMF protection products on the market and is impressed with the enormous health benefits she has received from EarthCalm products.


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